Community Touch

Community Benefit at your fingertips

Community benefit is one way that non-profit health systems like live out our mission to care for the most vulnerable in our communities. Community benefit includes programs that improve access to health care services, enhance the health of the community, advance medical or health knowledge, or relieve the burden of government. As a faith-based health system, adheres to the Catholic Health Association’s standards for planning, delivering, and reporting our community benefit efforts.

Under the Affordable Care Act, the Internal Revenue Service (adopting the CHA guidelines) requires all non-profit hospitals to provide annual reports of programs undertaken to improve the health of their communities. Programs do not count as community benefit if they are primarily undertaken for marketing purposes or are unrelated to the mission of the organization. Most community benefit programs are provided to the community at large and not restricted to patients.

Data presented on this tool is accurate as of >. To view 's annual community benefit reports, visit the Community Reports on our website.

Built by Jonathan Giuffrida and the Advocacy Department of Presence Health.

You can use this visualization tool to learn more about the community benefit that hospitals provide to our communities every day. To look at individual hospitals, select one from the Hospital drop-down. Select different categories of community benefit under Category. Change between dollars, persons served, and percent of revenue under Units. You can switch between Yearly and Quarterly numbers. Data for prior years are less complete, but you can view them by selecting the appropriate checkbox. You can save a picture of a chart by clicking on the button in the top-right of the chart.

Data may be incomplete and should be used with caution. See notes below the graphs to identify what data points are missing. Because of how yearly community benefit is calculated, it may not be the exact sum of the quarterly numbers. Some categories tend to be reported primarily at the end of the year, so the quarterly numbers are not always meaningful.

Net community benefit

Last updated on

Presence Health’s 2018 fiscal year was only six months. For Presence Health, Q1/Q2 2018 is identical to Q3/Q4 2017 and thus shown twice in quarterly charts.
